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Best center for athlete nutrition in Egypt

Proper athlete nutrition plays an important role in improving sports performance, increasing the body’s ability to withstand exercises, and accelerating the recovery process from injuries, and this is what we offer at the best sports nutrition center in Egypt, Physique Center. In order to reach these goals, athletes rely on sports nutrition centers that provide them with the appropriate diet, and in this article we will address the best center for athlete nutrition.

What is healthy athlete nutrition?

Sports nutrition is one of the necessary basics to achieve success in sports performance, as a healthy and balanced diet for an athlete can provide the energy necessary for exercise without gaining weight.

Sports nutrition needs also vary from person to person based on factors such as the type of sport they practice and the level of physical activity, and other factors such as gender, age, weight and athletic goal.

The athlete’s diet is not much different from the diet of anyone seeking good health, as you need to include options from each of the healthy food groups. However, athletes may need to eat certain foods more or less, depending on:

  • Type of sport
  • The amount of training you do
  • The amount of time you spend on training

What is the role of athlete nutrition in improving athletic performance

Healthy food is an essential element in the lives of many athletes, as it forms the basis for achieving the best results in any sport, and here are some points that explain the importance of healthy food for athletes:

  1. Improve physical performance: Healthy food provides the necessary fuel to the body during exercise, which increases the ability of athletes to withstand strenuous exercise.
  2. Healing and healing injuries: Healthy food helps strengthen the immune system and speeds up the recovery process from sports injuries, allowing athletes to return to training quickly.
  3. Muscle strengthening: Proper nutrition plays an important role in building muscle and increasing body strength, which helps athletes improve their performance and increase their endurance.
  4. Improve concentration and attention: Healthy food helps brain function increase concentration and attention during training and sports competitions.
  5. Prevent injuries and reduce inflammation: proper nutrition helps prevent sports injuries and reduce inflammation
  6. Energy distribution in the body: Healthy food helps in distributing energy in a balanced manner throughout the day and maintains the energy necessary for exercise and sports activities.

What are the essential elements of athlete nutrition?

There are many key elements that athletes should make sure to eat in certain quantities and in a specific way to reach the best results, including:


Proteins should account for about 20% of total daily calories intake based on a rate of 1 – 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight so the recommended amount of protein should be between 100 and 150 grams per day.

Protein is important in improving athletic performance, as it contributes to glycogen storage and muscle pain reduction and repair in addition, protein contributes to building tissues in the body.

Excessive focus on protein intake alone may lead to not getting enough carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy during exercise, and increasing protein consumption may increase calorie consumption, leading to weight gain.

Foods rich in proteins help

  • Helps build and repair damaged muscles.
  • Increased muscle growth strength.
  • Sources include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and milk products, and legumes.

The following table shows protein-rich foods:

FoodProtein content (per 100 g)
Boiled chicken breast31 g
Minced beef27 g
Grilled salmon25 g
one boiled egg13 g
Cooked black beans9 g
Boiled lentils9 g
almonds21 g
Peanuts25 g
Greasy Greek yogurt10 g
Skimmed milk3 g
athlete nutrition

The most important foods that contain a high protein content


Carbohydrates have an important role in providing energy during physical activity, as they constitute about 60% to 70% of daily calories, and carbohydrates are the main fuel for the brain and muscles during exercise.

Carbohydrates are found in a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, pasta, bread, grains, and rice.

The body converts sugars and carbohydrates into energy in the form of glucose or stores them in liver and muscle tissue in the form of glycogen, giving the body endurance and strength during difficult exercise.

The amount of carbohydrates the body needs depends on the type, duration and intensity of physical activity, so athletes who participate in sports competitions need more carbohydrates compared to people who exercise in the hall.

Carbohydrate-containing foods help:

  • Provides the energy needed for exercise and sports activities.
  • Contribute to the maintenance of blood glucose levels.
  • Sources include whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

The following table shows the recommended amount of carbohydrates that depend on the intensity and duration of your workout:

Activity intensityDuration of activityRecommended carbohydrate intake (grams/hour)
LowShort30 – 45
MediumMedium45 – 60
highShort60 – 75
highMedium75 – 90
Very highLong90 – 120

Carbohydrates per sports activity

Healthy Fats:

Fat is essential for the body, even for athletes, despite being high in calories.

Recommended fat intake for athletes:

  • Fat should make up 20% to 30% of athletes’ daily calories.
  • It is advisable to replace trans fats with saturated fats in the diet.

Fat benefits for athletes:

  • It provides the body with the energy necessary to perform exercise.
  • Helps absorb vitamins.
  • Promotes cardiovascular health.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

How does the body use fat for energy?

  • The body’s use of fat depends on the intensity and duration of the workout.
  • In low- to moderate-intensity exercise, fat is the primary fuel source.
  • As the intensity of the exercise increases, the body’s dependence on carbohydrates as a source of energy increases.
  • If the body consumes its carbohydrate stores (glycogen) during exercise, it will start burning fat for energy.

Tips for athletes on fat consumption:

  • Eat sources of healthy fats such as: olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.
  • Reduce the intake of saturated fats found in red meat and full-fat dairy products.

Vitamins and minerals:

Vitamins and minerals play a role in the growth of the body and maintain its normal functions during periods of heavy sweating When exercising, it is necessary to compensate for the losses of these vitamins and minerals.

Athletes should eat rich sources of vitamins and minerals, especially those containing vitamin C and B vitamins, as well as iron, calcium, and phosphorus.

These nutritional components play a vital role in strengthening the immune system, improving physical performance, promoting healing and tissue repair after strenuous exercise.


The body’s needs for water vary according to the sports activities practiced by the individual, and athletes’ needs for water can be estimated in general at a rate of 3-4 liters per day, in order to compensate for the fluids that the body loses during exercise.

It is preferable for an athlete to drink 1/2-1 cup of water every 15-20 minutes during exercise, in order to maintain good hydration of the body.

In addition, it is preferable to drink cold water during exercise, as it absorbs faster and does not cause muscle tension like hot water. This step contributes to maintaining body temperature and enhancing physical performance during exercise with water helps to

  • Necessary to moisturize the body and maintain fluid balance.
  • It helps cool the body during exercise and eliminate toxins.
  • It is considered an essential part of the digestive and absorption processes in the body.

These essential nutrients play a role in increasing the physical performance and overall health of athletes, and must be part of their diet to ensure they get the full benefits of training and athletic activities.

 What are the most important Healthy Foods for Athletes?

Strenuous sports activities and intense exercise require and there are many foods that are useful and important for athletes to meet their nutritional needs, including:

  1. Fish: It is a rich source of proteins and contains omega-3 acids that help burn fat, it is recommended to eat types such as salmon and mackerel.
  2. Meat: They are rich sources of proteins and amino acids needed to build muscle, but you should choose lean meats.
  3. Olive oil: It is a rich source of healthy fats necessary for the body.
  4. Eggs: It is considered one of the foods rich in protein important for building muscle and it is preferable to eat boiled instead of frying it and egg whites can be eaten instead of yolk.
  5. Vegetables: They are a good source of dietary fiber that helps digestion
  6. Milk: It is a rich source of protein and calcium necessary to strengthen bones, and it is preferable to drink skimmed or low-fat milk.
  7. Oats: It is a rich source of fiber and beneficial carbohydrates necessary for energy production.
  8. Apples and berries: They are rich sources of vitamins, mineral elements and antioxidants that help maintain the health of the body.
  9. Legumes: Such as beans, lentils and peas are plant-based sources of protein and carbohydrates making them beneficial for vegetarian athletes.

Healthy foods for athletes include:

  1. Bananas: Bananas contain potassium, which helps replenish fluids and minerals that the body loses during strenuous exercise, and also provides natural sugars to compensate for lost energy.
  2. Spinach: It is an important source of iron and calcium, which are essential for building muscle and enhancing muscle strength.
  3. Flaxseed: An excellent source of omega-3 acids and fiber, which helps in increasing energy and boosting athletic performance.
  4. Roast chicken: A source of protein that helps in building and repairing muscle after exercise, and it is also low in saturated fat.
  5. Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes contain good amounts of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals, making them a good choice for increasing energy and improving athletic performance.
  6. Dates: Rich in minerals and dates contain a wide range of beneficial minerals such as potassium, magnesium and iron
  7. Beans: A food that can be incorporated into many dishes, in addition to being full of fiber, magnesium, protein, iron and zinc.
  8. Nuts: A source of fiber, protein, healthy fats, magnesium and vitamin E and are an easy snack
  9. This list is some examples of healthy foods that are beneficial for athletes, and dietary diversity and balance should be part of the appropriate nutrition regimen to achieve optimal athletic performance.

The best tips for feeding athletesFrom the best center for athlete nutrition:

By providing essential nutrients, athletes can achieve their goals and stay healthy. Here are some essential athlete nutrition tips that help them get the most out of their athletic performance:

  • Eat a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients and it is advisable to eat 3 main meals in addition to two snacks
  • The diet should be rich in carbohydrates to provide the energy necessary for athletic performance, proteins to build and repair muscle, and healthy fats to support overall health.
  • High-fat foods such as fried foods and sweets should be minimized, however, calories should not be significantly reduced because intense sports activities require greater amounts of energy.
  • It is preferable to reduce the use of supplements and carbohydrate supplements and replace them with natural sources of food, as natural foods provide nutrients better and are better absorbed than supplements.
  • Caffeine should be consumed in moderation as drinking it in large quantities may lead to unwanted side effects such as dehydration and headaches.
  • Drink more water before, during and after exercise to compensate for fluid loss and keep the body hydrated.
  • It is advised to avoid consuming energy drinks as they may cause fatigue and fatigue after a period of time and carry potential health risks.

Adopting a balanced and healthy dietary approach based on natural food and reducing the intake of harmful substances is important for the nutrition of athletes

Nutritional tips for athletes before training

  • Eating a carbohydrate-rich meal 3 to 4 hours before exercise has a positive effect on performance, and eating a small snack an hour or two before exercise may also help.
  • It is important to make sure you drink water Consuming approximately 500 ml of fluids within 2 to 4 hours before exercise may be a good strategy to follow.
  • Examples of appropriate pre-workout meals include cereal, low-fat milk, bread/cakes/biscuits, fruit and yogurt salad, pasta with tomato sauce, and low-fat breakfast or low-fat cream rice.

Nutritional tips for athletes during exercise

If the exercise lasts for more than 60 minutes, carbohydrates are needed to raise blood glucose levels and avoid fatigue.

It is also important to drink fluids regularly during prolonged exercise to avoid dehydration.

Fruit juice and water are suitable options for people who exercise for more than 4 hours

Eat small carbohydrate-rich snacks every 30-60 minutes during long exercises.

Post-workout nutritional tips

Eat a high-protein and carbohydrate-rich meal after exercise within 30 minutes to an hour Some examples of good meals:

  • Grilled chicken with brown rice and vegetables.
  • Grilled fish with sweet potatoes and salad.
  • Eggs with whole grain bread and fruits.

Make sure to drink enough water after exercise. It is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of water after exercise.

Carbohydrate-containing foods and liquids should be consumed after exercise, especially in the first to two hours after exercise.

Suitable options include juices, cereals, low-fat milk, low-fat flavored milk, sandwiches, pasta, small cakes/pies, fruit and yogurt.

Since most athletes are fluid deficient during exercise, post-workout fluid replenishment is also an important consideration. It is recommended that athletes consume between 1.25 to 1.5 liters of fluid for every kilogram of body weight lost during exercise.

Best Athlete Nutrition Center in Egypt

Fizik Center has a distinguished team of experts in sports nutrition with experience and high qualifications in this field, providing athletes with optimal career counseling and guidance.

Fizik Center  offers customized nutrition programs tailored to each athlete’s needs based on the type of sport they practice and their goals, whether it is to increase strength and performance or to lose weight in a healthy way.

The Center is characterized by the attention to follow the progress of the athlete’s condition and nutrition at regular intervals, which allows adjusting the diet program according to his needs and improving his athletic performance.

Fizik Athletes Centre offers comprehensive guidance to improve their dietary lifestyle, including meal plans, snacks and proper nutrition before and after exercise.

The best sports nutrition center has the following characteristics:

  • A team of sports nutritionists with experience in various sports.
  • Offer an approach that meets your individual needs and sporting goals.
  • Various nutrition programs suitable for different sports and lifestyle.
  • Use the latest technology to assess your nutritional needs and provide the best results.
  • Continuous follow-up to measure your progress and achieve the best results.

Fizik Center is an excellent destination for athletes seeking to improve their performance and achieve their athletic goals by providing customized nutritional consultations and continuous follow-up to achieve the desired results.

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