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Treatment and rehabilitation of cerebral palsy with physical therapy

Treatment of cerebral palsy has become accessible with the Physique Center for Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, cerebral palsy can be expressed as a group of pathological conditions that affect the position and movement of the body and occurs due to brain damage in the growth stage and often occurs before birth.

Symptoms of paralysis appear during the child’s years of infancy or before his journey to enter school, and his degree varies from mild to very serious, and affected children may have some exaggerated involuntary reactions, such as relaxation of arms and legs, muscle stiffness or hyperkinesis, and the symptoms also include irregular body posture or some movements that the human body can control, or the way of walking that is not fixed

What is cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and is arguably the most common motor disability in childhood. Cerebral palsy is caused by abnormal brain growth or damage to the developing brain that affects a person’s ability to control their muscles.

It can cause swallowing difficulties and imbalance between the muscles of the eyes where you cannot concentrate on the same thing. The impact of cerebral palsy on body functions varies from person to person, in some cases some can walk, others need help, and some develop intellectual disabilities that may not occur to others. Symptoms also vary as the child grows, but do not worsen and the condition remains the same over time.

What are the symptoms of cerebral palsy?

Symptoms vary from person to person, with some patients affecting the entire body and some affecting only one or two limbs of the body. Some general symptoms such as muscle asymmetry or difficulty moving include speech, growth and eating disorders, and we will elaborate on these symptoms in the following paragraphs:

Movement and coordination of muscles

  • Convulsions, which are muscle stiffness and exaggerated involuntary reactions of the body, which are among the most common disorders
  • Muscle stiffness occurs with reflex actions and is called stiffness
  • Variable muscle tension ratio such as sometimes the muscle is stiff or flexible
  • The presence of poor balance and muscular coordination
  • Out-of-control movements called tremor
  • Slow movement and twisting
  • Difficulty walking, some people may walk on their toes or suffer from curvature while walking
  • Prefer a side of the body such as relying on one hand or one leg
  • Difficulty performing fine movements such as typing  

Symptoms associated with speech and eating:

These speech- and eating-related symptoms may include:

  • Delayed speech
  • Having difficulty speaking
  • Having difficulty when feeding or chewing food
  • Drooling or difficulty swallowing 

Developmental retardation in children

Some children with cerebral palsy may develop some development-related symptoms:

  • Having learning difficulties
  • Intellectual disability
  • Delays in motor skills development
  • Developmental retardation in general, such as the small size of the child in relation to his age

Other symptoms of cerebral palsy

Brain damage may contribute to other neurological symptoms, such as:

  • Difficulty hearing
  • Difficulty seeing
  • Pain or sensory problems
  • Bowel and bladder problems such as urinary incontinence and constipation
  • Having behavioral problems
  • Having seizures such as epilepsy

What causes cerebral palsy in children?

Cerebral palsy occurs due to abnormal growth of the brain or when damage occurs during the growth stage, and this usually occurs before the birth of the child and it can occur at birth or in the early stages and its cause is unknown and these are some of the factors that contribute to changes in brain development, such as

  1. Genetic changes in genes that affect brain development.
  2. Infections that can be transmitted from mother to fetus and affect brain development.
  3. Stroke that occurs as a result of interruption of blood supply to the brain during fetal development.
  4. Bleeding in the brain of a fetus or newborn infant.
  5. Infection in infancy that can cause swelling in or around the brain.
  6. Traumatic injury to the infant’s head as a result of accidents such as car accidents, falls or other bodily injuries.
  7. Lack of oxygen in the brain due to difficulties in childbirth, although this cause is less common.

What are the early signs of cerebral palsy?

Children with cerebral palsy often have developmental delays, where they are slow to learn to roll, sit, crawl or walk.

Low muscle strength (hypotonia) can make them look relaxed, even flexible. Increased muscle strength (hypertonia) can make their bodies look stiff or stiff.

Affected children may also have an unusual posture or prefer one side of the body when reaching, crawling, or moving.

Less than 6 months of age:

  1. They feel stiff
  2. They feel flexible
  3. Their legs become stiff and crossed or scissor when carried

Older than 6 months of age:

  1. They can’t get their hands together.
  2. They find it difficult to get their hands over their mouths
  3. They extend their hands with only one hand while holding the fist of the other hand

Older than 10 months of age

  1. They crawl on the ground in an unbalanced manner and push with one hand and one leg while pulling the opposite hand and leg
  2. Can’t stand and needs help

What are the different types of cerebral palsy?

Doctors classify cerebral palsy according to the type of movement disorder involved: spasmodic (muscle stiffness), canamanian (crooked movements) or ataxia (poor balance and coordination) — as well as any additional symptoms, such as weakness (paresis) or paralysis (paralysis).

Spastic paraplegia/paraplegia

Paraplegia usually occurs on one side of the body in the arm or hand and may also include the leg and children with paraplegia usually walk on tiptoe due to tight tendons heel foot

The arm and leg on the paralyzed side may also be shorter and weaker

Some children may develop scoliosis, which is a curvature of the spine

Spastic double paralysis

It is muscle stiffness and occurs mainly in the legs and is less dangerous to the arm and face

The tendon reflexes in the leg are very active, and the tension in some leg muscles leads to movement, such as scissor arms.

Children may need a walker or leg supports, and intelligence and language skills may be normal.

Spastic quadriplegia

It is the most serious form of cerebral palsy and is often associated with moderate to severe intellectual disability.

It is caused by extensive brain damage or large brain abnormalities Children often have severe stiffness in their limbs but their neck is flexible.

They are rarely able to walk and speech for them is also harder seizures can be frequent and difficult to control.

Dyskinesia cerebral palsy

It also includes hemorrhoidal paralysis, paralysis, and dystonia cerebral palsy characterized by slow, uncontrollable twisted or convulsive movements in the hands, feet, arms or legs.

There is also an overactive muscle of the facial and tongue muscles that makes some children sullen or drool.

They have difficulty sitting up straight or walking and some children have problems hearing, self-control and/or coordinating the muscle movements needed to speak.

Mixed types of cerebral palsy refer to symptoms that are not compatible with any one type of cerebral palsy but are a combination of types. For example, a child with mixed paralysis may have some muscles that are too tight and others that are too relaxed, creating a combination of stiffness and laxity.

How is cerebral palsy diagnosed?

Most affected children are diagnosed within the first two years but if the child’s symptoms are mild, it can be difficult for a doctor to make a reliable diagnosis before the age of 4 or 5.

The doctor will order a series of tests to assess the child’s motor skills during regular visits, the doctor will monitor the child’s development, growth, muscle strength, age-appropriate motor control, hearing, vision, posture and coordination, in order to rule out other disorders that may cause similar symptoms.

Although symptoms may change over time, it’s not progressive if a child is constantly losing motor skills, the problem is likely to be a condition other than cerebral palsy, such as a genetic or muscle disease, a metabolic disorder, or tumors in the nervous system.

  • Neuroimaging techniques can detect abnormalities that indicate a treatable movement disorder.
  • Skull ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the brain that are used for high-risk children because it is the least intrusive in imaging techniques.
  • An MRI uses a computer, a magnetic field, and radio waves to create an anatomical image of brain tissue and structure.
  • An MRI can show the location and type of damage, such as subtle changes and the type of brain tissue affected in cerebral palsy.
  • An MRI can also show characteristic abnormalities in the brain or abnormalities in metabolic disorders that can be disguised as cerebral palsy.

Treatment of cerebral palsy:

Cerebral palsy can’t be cured, but treatment often improves a child’s abilities The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chance that children will overcome developmental disabilities.

There is no standard treatment that fits every affected person Once the diagnosis is made, a team of doctors will work with the child and parents to identify specific needs, and then develop an appropriate plan to address underlying disabilities that affect the child’s quality of life.

  1. Physiotherapy: Usually in the first few years of life, it is the cornerstone of treatment. Certain sets of exercises, such as stretching, resistance or strength training programs and activities, can maintain or improve muscle strength, balance and motor skills, and prevent cramps.
  2. Occupational therapy focuses on improving upper body function, improving posture, and making the most of the child’s mobility. Occupational therapists help individuals address new ways to meet daily activities and routines at home, school, and in the community.
  3. Speech and language therapy can improve a child’s ability to speak, help with swallowing disorders and learn new ways of communicating, such as using sign language and/or special communication devices such as a computer with a sound complex.
  4. Treatments for eating problems and drooling are often necessary when children with cerebral palsy have difficulty eating and drinking because they have little control over the muscles that move the mouth, jaw, and tongue.

Assistive devices in the treatment of cerebral palsy

  1. Orthopedic devices help compensate for muscle imbalance and increase independent mobility.
  2. Braces and splints are used to correct muscle deformities and improve function such as sitting or walking.
  3. Other orthotic devices help stretch muscles or position the joint.
  4. Supports, special chairs and other devices can help people sit more comfortably.
  5. Wheelchairs, walkers, and powered bicycles can help individuals who can’t move independently.
  6. Vision aids include glasses and magnifiers, and some people with cerebral palsy may need surgery to correct vision problems.
  7. Hearing aids may help people hear more clearly

Can cerebral palsy be prevented?

The causes associated with genetic abnormalities cannot be prevented, but some congenital risk factors can be avoided.

Acquired paralysis, often caused by a head injury, can be prevented using common safety techniques, such as using car seats for infants and young children.

The best center for cerebral palsy in Egypt:

There are many physiotherapy centers specialized in treating cases of paralysis, as the recovery journey begins with identifying the causes of this disease before moving to the various stages of treatment.

Among these centers, the Physik Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center stands out as leaders in the field as the center has the latest medical devices and innovative therapeutic methods to provide effective treatment and remarkable effectiveness.

In addition, the expertise of the experienced doctors within Physique plays a key role in achieving a speedy recovery for patients.

The best center for cerebral palsy treatment in Egypt is Physik Center. Physik Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy Center is one of the best centers in Egypt for rehabilitation services for patients with cerebral palsy, paraplegia and stroke.

You can rely on Physik Center for comprehensive and specialized treatment services for cerebral palsy treatment in Egypt.

Physical therapy for cerebral palsy

Physical therapy for cerebral palsy aims to improve motor function and muscular coordination in people with this disease. is an important part of the care plan for individuals with cerebral palsy, and helps enhance motor abilities and improve quality of life.

Here are some common methods of physical therapy for cerebral palsy:

  1. Movement and stretching exercises: Special exercises are designed to improve movement and stretching in the affected muscles. A physical therapist can guide the patient in performing these exercises correctly according to his individual needs.
  2. Gait and movement training: A physical therapist can use aids such as crutches or treadmills to train the patient to walk and improve balance and motor coordination.
  3. Balance and coordination exercises: The patient is guided in performing special exercises to improve balance and muscular coordination, such as standing on one leg or jumping on one foot.
  4. Water therapy: Water therapy can be effective in improving mobility and strengthening muscles, as the neutral weight in water provides support to the body and reduces stress on joints and muscles.
  5. Occupational therapy: Occupational therapy aims to improve the ability to perform daily living activities, such as eating, dressing and bathing, through the use of assistive techniques and tools.

Hydrophysiotherapy for cerebral palsy

Aquatic physiotherapy is a form of natural therapy that is performed in water. It can be especially beneficial for people with cerebral palsy, as it helps relieve pain, strengthen muscles, and improve mobility.

The reason hydrophysiotherapy is beneficial for cerebral palsy is because water has positive effects on the body, including:

  • Reduce body weight: Water supports body weight, which reduces stress on joints and muscles.
  • Increase flexibility: Water helps increase flexibility by relieving muscle tension.
  • Reduce pain: Water can help reduce pain by reducing pressure on the nerves.
  • Improve circulation: Water helps improve blood circulation by providing even pressure support to all parts of the body.

Some common hydrophysiotherapy exercises for cerebral palsy include:

  • Muscle strength exercises: Water weights or resistances can be used to help people build muscle strength.
  • Balance exercises: Water can be used to help people improve their balance.
  • Movement exercises: Water can be used to help people improve their mobility.

Occupational therapy for cerebral palsy

Occupational therapy is a form of therapy that helps people acquire the skills needed to perform daily activities. It can be especially useful for people with cerebral palsy, as it helps them learn how to perform daily tasks more independently.

Some of the goals of occupational therapy for cerebral palsy include:

  • Improve personal care skills: such as bathing, changing clothes and eating.
  • Improve mobility skills: such as walking, cycling, and wheelchair mobility.
  • Improve work and learning skills: such as using a computer, writing notes, and participating in school or professional activities.

Some common occupational therapy exercises for cerebral palsy include:

  • Mobility exercises: Assistive tools and devices, such as wheelchairs and walking, can be used to help people learn how to navigate safely and effectively.
  • Personal care training: Assistive tools and equipment, such as shower handles and cutlery cutlery, can be used to help people perform daily activities more independently.
  • Work-learning exercises: Assistive technologies, such as computers and specialized software, can be used to help people work and learn effectively.

Exercises for the treatment of cerebral palsy

There are many exercises that can help people with cerebral palsy improve their function. A person-specific exercise program should be developed, based on their individual needs and abilities.

Here are some examples of exercises to treat cerebral palsy:

  • Strength training: Weights, water resistances, or resistance devices can be used to help people build muscle strength.
  • Flexibility exercises: Stretching exercises can be used to help people increase joint and muscle flexibility.
  • Balance exercises: Balance exercises can be used to help people improve their balance.
  • Movement exercises: Movement exercises can be used to help people improve their movement.

Hydrophysiotherapy, occupational therapy, and targeted exercise can help people with cerebral palsy improve their functions and gain more independence in their daily lives.

Rehabilitation of cerebral palsy cases with physiotherapy

Rehabilitation of cerebral palsy with physiotherapy is an important part of the care needed by people with this disease. Physiotherapy aims to improve the motor functions and muscular coordination and enhance the motor abilities of patients. Physical therapy can help achieve gradual improvement through the implementation of specialized rehabilitation programs.

There are some steps that can be followed in the rehabilitation of cerebral palsy cases with physiotherapy:

  1. Condition assessment: Physical therapy begins with a comprehensive assessment of the condition, including assessment of motor abilities, muscular coordination, muscle strength, balance and flexibility. This evaluation helps determine individual treatment goals.
  2. Treatment Program Design: Based on the assessment, the physical therapist designs a personalized treatment program aimed at improving the patient’s specific motor problems and challenges.
  3. Movement and stretching exercises: Movement and stretching exercises are performed to improve muscle flexibility and move affected joints. This includes lifting, bending, rotation, and stretching exercises.
  4. Balance and coordination exercises: Balance and coordination exercises are an essential part of the treatment program.
  5. Water therapy: Water therapy (also known as hydrotherapy or hydrotherapy) is used in the rehabilitation of cerebral palsy.
  6. Use of technical aids: Technical treatment aids can contribute to the rehabilitation of cerebral palsy. These aids may include treadmills, prostheses, and assistive motor training devices.
  7. Daily skills training: Physical therapy includes training the patient to perform basic daily skills, such as dressing, feeding and bathing.
  8. Support and encouragement: The physical therapist plays an important role in providing support and encouragement to the patient and his family members.

The best physiotherapy center for cerebral palsy in Egypt:

Fizik Center is one of the best physiotherapy centers in Egypt, specializing in the treatment of cerebral palsy and spinal cord injuries. The center has a range of factors that make it an ideal choice for patients with cerebral palsy, including:

  • A team of experienced and highly qualified physiotherapists: The center includes a team of experienced and highly qualified physiotherapists, who have been trained in the latest treatment methods for cerebral palsy.
  • Using the latest therapeutic devices and techniques: The center uses the latest therapeutic devices and techniques, which help achieve the best therapeutic results for patients.
  • Focus on psychological rehabilitation of patients: The center focuses on the psychological rehabilitation of patients, by providing them with psychological and emotional support, which helps them overcome the difficulties they face due to cerebral palsy.

Fizik Center offers a variety of treatment programs for cerebral palsy, which are tailored to each patient’s individual condition. These programs include:

  • Traditional physiotherapy: This type of therapy focuses on strengthening muscles and bones and improving mobility.
  • Hydrophysiotherapy: This type of treatment helps relieve pain, strengthen muscles and improve mobility.
  • Occupational therapy: This type of therapy helps improve the patient’s daily skills, such as personal care, walking and movement.
  • Psychotherapy: This type of therapy helps to overcome the psychological difficulties faced by the patient due to cerebral palsy.

Fizi Center is the best center for the treatment of paraplegia and rehabilitation of paraplegia patients in Egypt and the Arab world.

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