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Sports and physical stress

There is no doubt that sports stress is one of the most common problems, especially in professional athletes, although exercise is very beneficial. It improves the health of the body, provides it with energy, and reduces symptoms of stress, but excessive physical exercise can cause countless risks. So in this article we will know what sports stress is, its symptoms, risk factors, how to prevent it, and physical therapy for sports stress.

When does sports stress occur:

  • Sports stress can occur when a muscle stretches beyond its normal stretch range, where muscle injury occurs, at the meeting site of the muscle and tendon, which is called athletic muscle strain
  • In addition, muscle strain is the rupture or damage to muscles or tendons as a result of excessive pressure due to intense sports activities, or lifting heavy weights.   
  • Although the stress caused by sports exertion is normal, it can be dangerous if this stress increases and turns into a muscle tear. A muscle tear can cause local bleeding under the skin.

Causes of sports stress:

More than half of football players have suffered muscle injuries that were caused by muscle strain, according to the latest studies, and despite the frequency of these injuries significantly, the causes of injury vary from person to person. According to the nature of the body, the rate of nutrition, and whether the person has had previous injuries or not.

Therefore, the most important causes of sports stress can be summarized in:

  • Physical exhaustion as it increases the incidence of sports stress.
  • Concussion.
  • Aging.
  • Lumbar spinal injuries, which cause pain in muscles and bones.
  • Lack of some important nutrients in the body.
  • Calf injuries It was found that most athletes over the age of 30 are exposed to muscle strain as a result of this injury.

Symptoms of sports stress:

The symptoms of sports stress often resemble the symptoms of muscle tension, as most studies indicated that about 55% of individuals suffer from symptoms of sports stress continuously, however, it should be noted that the symptoms of muscle stress may last 3 days until they end through sports stress treatment methods.

Among the most important of these symptoms:

  • Sudden pain sensation.
  • Limited range of motion.
  • swelling of the affected area.
  • Muscle stiffness.
  • Weakness of the muscle or tendons.
  • Inability to use the affected muscle.
  • Bruising or redness due to injury.
  • To relieve symptoms of sports stress, you need to visit the Physik Sports Stress Center where there is a complete unit of sports measurements responsible for treating symptoms of muscle strain.

Sports Stress Risks:

Frequent exercise can cause many health and psychological problems, although sports and physical exercise are important for the health of the body, but they may also cause many damages if excessive.

Among the most important risks of sports stress are:

  • Many psychological disorders and problems, such as: mood swings, depression, and anxiety.
  • Increased likelihood of sleep disorders.
  • Feeling exhausted and tired.
  • Feeling pain and burning in the muscles.
  • Feeling of muscle problems, as a result of overuse.
  • Weakness and deterioration of the immune system.
  • Increase the likelihood of colds.
  • Dehydration.
  • Increased chances of developing osteoporosis.
  • Serious problems, such as heart rhythm disturbances, sudden cardiac arrest.

Sports Stress Treatment:

There are many different methods of treating sports stress, and these treatments are often simple and effective in the early stages of injury. But when sports stress causes injuries especially to players, sports stress treatment may require other treatments.

What are the effective ways to treat sports stress:

  • Take a break: Activities that cause pain or swelling may be avoided, but not all daily physical activities can be avoided.
  • Ice mode: You can put ice cubes on the affected area, you should use cold compresses or a bath of ice and water, up to 20 minutes at a time.
  • Pressure: You can press on the affected area with an elastic bandage until the swelling stops, and also should not be wrapped too tightly, so as not to hinder blood circulation.

Physical therapy for sports stress:

Although there are many effective treatment methods in relieving pain and stiffness as a result of sports stress, physical therapy has a very important role in preventing and treating sports stress as well.

Physical therapy for sports stress helps prevent sports injuries caused by sports stress by:

  • Do a limited number of exercises per day.
  • Determine the appropriate exercises for the player according to the nature of his body.
  • Make the necessary physical measurements that the player needs, which reduces the incidence of injury.
  • Determine the appropriate treatment program for the player to prevent injury before it occurs.
  • Provide warm-up programs before the start of matches.

Physical therapy also helps treat sports injuries caused by sports stress by:

  • Doing therapeutic exercises that treat the injury.
  • Treatment of injury through good sports rehabilitation.
  • Follow sports and rehabilitation programs that reduce the sharpness.

Tips for treating sports stress:

It is possible to treat sports stress by following a set of tips to avoid muscle strain by:

  • Get enough sleep for at least 8 hours continuously.
  • Get the necessary nutrition, by eating meals rich in essential elements for the body consisting of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
  • Take the nutrients necessary for the health of the body before and after exercise.
  • If the player follows these tips on a regular basis, this will reduce the occurrence of sports stress and thus prevent injury.

Treatment of muscle strain:

Muscle strain can be treated by following a number of steps that relieve pain and stiffness caused by muscle strain.

Perhaps one of the best ways to treat muscle strain is physiotherapy. Physical therapy provides the best means to relieve pain, stiffness, and physical exhaustion.

The Physique Center for Muscle Strain Treatment features:

  • The best therapeutic means and devices that treat sports stress.
  • The best doctors specialized in the treatment of muscle strain.
  • An integrated unit for the treatment of muscle strain and athlete injuries.  

Physical therapy for physical stress:

More than a third of football players are constantly exposed to physical stress, for many reasons such as malnutrition, not doing enough warm-up before exercise, and not paying attention to regular sports measurements.

Therefore, physical therapy and sports rehabilitation at Physique Center allows you to have a structured treatment program to overcome physical stress, including: 

  • Exercise that suits the body at certain times.
  • Determine the best ways to warm up a good athlete.
  • Conductregular sports tests and measurements.
  • A medical team specialized in the treatment of sports injuries and physical stress.

Treatment of muscle stress at home:

Treatment for sports stress depends on the cause of muscle strain and the symptoms associated with it, so if you suffer from muscle strain, it is often caused by excessive exercise.

Therefore, there are many home remedies that can be done at home to relieve muscle pain and physical stress.

1. Rest: You must take a break for the affected area, and stop the activity that caused it.

2. Ice: An ice pack should be used to help relieve pain and reduce swelling, this is done by applying ice to the affected area for 15-20 minutes, for 3 times a day.

3. Pressure: A pressure bandage is supposed to be used to help reduce swelling in the affected area.

Degrees of sports and physical stress

Sports and physical stress can be divided into five degrees, based on its intensity and its impact on performance and health:

  • The first degree: It is the degree of mild fatigue, which is characterized by a slight decrease in physical and mental performance, with no physical or psychological symptoms.
  • The second degree: It is the degree of moderate fatigue, which is characterized by a noticeable decrease in physical and mental performance, with the appearance of some physical symptoms such as feeling tired and exhausted, and psychological symptoms such as stress and anxiety.
  • Third degree: It is the degree of severe fatigue, which is characterized by a significant decrease in physical and mental performance, with the appearance of more severe physical symptoms such as headache and muscle pain, and psychological symptoms such as depression and severe anxiety.
  • Fourth degree: It is the degree of excessive fatigue, which is characterized by the complete cessation of physical and mental performance, with the appearance of serious physical symptoms such as high temperature and shortness of breath, and psychological symptoms such as hallucinations and confusion.
  • Fifth degree: It is the degree of fatal fatigue, which is characterized by cardiac arrest and breathing, leading to death.

Causes of physical stress

Sports and physical stress can be caused by a combination of factors, including:

  • Excessive intensity of physical activity: Performing very intense physical activity leads to increased energy and food consumption, leading to physiological changes that affect performance and health.
  • Length of physical activity: Performing long-term physical activity leads to the accumulation of fatigue, which leads to decreased performance and health.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: Nutritional deficiencies lead to insufficient energy and nutrients needed to perform physical activity, leading to fatigue.
  • Lack of sleep: Lack of sleep leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the nervous system, leading to increased fatigue.
  • Stress: Psychological stress leads to an increase in the secretion of the hormone cortisol, which has a negative impact on physical performance and health.

Symptoms of physical stress

The symptoms of sports and physical stress vary according to the degree of fatigue, where mild symptoms appear in the first degree, and become more severe with increasing degree of fatigue. Among the most prominent symptoms of sports and physical stress are the following:

  • Feeling tired and exhausted
  • Decreased physical and mental performance
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Hypertension
  • Breathlessness
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression

How to prevent sports and physical stress

Sports and physical stress can be prevented by following a set of tips, including:

  • Practice physical activity gradually, with the intensity and duration of the activity gradually increasing as fitness progresses.
  • Take adequate breaks between periods of physical activity.
  • Eat a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients necessary for physical performance and health.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Stress management.

How to deal with sports and physical stress

If you experience symptoms of sports and physical stress, it is important to stop physical activity and rest, drink some fluids, and take some pain medications if necessary. A doctor should also be consulted if symptoms persist or worsen.

Sports stress and muscle recovery

Sports stress and muscle recovery are two of the most important concepts in the field of sports and fitness. Stress refers to the set of physiological changes that occur in the body as a result of physical activity. Muscle recovery is the process by which the body repairs and strengthens muscle tissue damaged by physical activity.

Methods of muscle recovery to treat sports and muscle stress

There are many ways in which the process of muscle recovery can be improved, the most important of which are:

  • Rest: Rest helps allow time for the body to repair muscle tissue.
  • Nutrition: Good nutrition helps to provide the energy and nutrients needed to repair muscle tissue.
  • Moisturizing: Moisturizing helps detoxify the body.
  • Light exercise: Light exercise helps improve blood flow to the muscles, which helps repair muscle tissue.

The best center for the treatment of sports and muscle stress:

Sports stress is frequent, especially with athletes, including professionals, because stress occurs as a result of many factors mentioned previously

The best treatment for stress is regular exercise necessary for athletes, warm-up, in addition to that, you should go to the best physical stress treatment center.

One of the most important centers that treat stress is the Physik Center for Physical Therapy and Sports Stress Therapy, which consists of a medical team dedicated to athletes, advanced treatment programs for athletes that help them overcome all types of stress.

Physiotherapy center for sports and muscle stress

Physik Physiotherapy Center is one of the best centers specialized in sports and muscle stress treatment in Egypt. Located in Nasr City and New Cairo, the center includes a team of experienced and competent physiotherapists.

Physique Physiotherapy Center offers a variety of effective treatments for the treatment of sports and muscle stress, including:

  • Chiropractic: A technique that uses hands to improve joint mobility and relieve pain.
  • Sports rehabilitation: It is a process that helps athletes recover from injuries and improve their athletic performance.
  • Ultrasound therapy: It is a technique that uses sound waves to improve blood circulation and stimulate healing.
  • Cryotherapy: It is a technique that uses cold to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Heat therapy: It is a technique that uses heat to relieve pain and swelling and improve blood circulation.
  • Injection therapy: This is a technique that uses injections to deliver medications or other treatments to the affected area.

The choice of the right treatment depends on the severity of sports and muscle stress and the nature of the injury. Treatment aims to relieve pain and swelling, improve mobility and restore athletic performance.

Physique Physiotherapy Center is positively reviewed by patients, with patients praising the quality of treatment, facilities and staff.

Some questions about sports and muscle stress:

How long does muscle strain last?

  • There is no specific duration of muscle strain, but painful muscle cramps can be said to occur mainly in the calf muscles and calf muscles.
  • It lasts from seconds to minutes, and after these symptoms go away, you feel pain in the affected area that lasts for hours or days.

Does too much exercise in the gym work on muscle fatigue?

Too much exercise often leads to a feeling of fatigue in the muscles, but there is a set of factors that control this, the most important of which are

  • The level of physical fitness of a person.
  • Nutrition and diets.
  • The nature and type of exercise.
  • Duration, intensity and frequency of exercise.
  • Basic medical conditions.
  • The number of hours of sleep.

What vitamin is responsible for muscle tension?

  • Vitamin B is one of the most important types of vitamins ever, because it is important for bone and nerve health, as it protects them from exposure to their own diseases.
  • Vitamin B is found in liver, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, broccoli, green peppers, beans, lentils and chickpeas.

How do I avoid stress?

There are many natural ways that help reduce stress, the most important of which are

  • Laughing out loud.
  • Eat small amounts of food at intervals.
  • Choose the right times to exercise.
  • Take a proper rest.
  • Reduce caffeine.

What is stress treatment?

Stress can be treated by a range of effective methods, the most important of which are:

1.Use hot or cold compresses.

2.Take muscle rest.

3. Get a proper therapeutic massage.

4. Physical therapy.


6. Stretching exercises.

7. Anti-inflammatory drugs.

What are the symptoms of muscle strain?

  • It is assumed that the symptoms of muscle or sports strain occur as a result of excessive pressure on the muscles through the practice of normal daily activities.
  • Practicing strenuous muscle activities, such as heavy lifting, during vigorous sports, or when performing work tasks

What causes muscle fatigue?

If you exercise strenuously and sometimes feel muscle pain, you may inevitably experience many complications such as, muscle inflammation, decreased exercise performance, feeling tired throughout the day, decreased appetite.

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